
Front-End React Developer🧑‍💻

Hey It's me Hem Bahadur Pun! A passionate Front-end React Developer based in Pokhara, Nepal📍.

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About Me 😎


An enthusiastic Front-end Developer with a strong focus on creating exceptional user experiences, proudly located in the beautiful city of Nepal, Pokhara 📍

As a Junior Front-End Developer, I bring an impressive array of skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Tailwind, and SCSS. My focus is on crafting responsive websites that deliver seamless user experiences. With a penchant for clean and optimized code, I thrive on creating dynamic, engaging interfaces using cutting-edge tools and techniques. Collaboration is at the heart of my work, as I enjoy working with cross-functional teams to produce outstanding web applications.

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Each project is a one-of-a-kind creation 🧩.


SASS Webiste UI

Manage is an innovative Sass website designed to foster collaboration among developers, empowering them to come together and create exceptional products. With an intuitive platform and a range of powerful features, Manage provides a seamless experience for developers to connect, collaborate, and bring their ideas to life.

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Netflix UI Clone

For this project, I successfully created a realistic clone of the Netflix user interface using React, TMDB API, and Tailwind CSS. By leveraging React's component-based architecture, I built a dynamic and interactive frontend that allows users to explore a wide range of movies. The TMDB API integration enabled me to fetch real movie data, including titles, descriptions, and posters.

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Ecommerce Store

Introducing a feature-rich eCommerce website that optimizes the user shopping experience. Stay up-to-date with real-time product updates through dynamic fetching. The convenient "Add to Cart" function and instant toast messages provide seamless purchasing. Enjoy quick product previews for efficient decision-making. Effortlessly find desired items with the powerful search feature. Responsive and efficient, this platform ensures an enjoyable shopping journey, maximizing user satisfaction and business growth.

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Delivery Web App & Admin Dashboard

A delivery web app and admin dashboard that streamlines the delivery process, ensuring a seamless experience for both customers and delivery personnel. The web app is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for customers to place orders,and provide feedback. The admin dashboard is equipped with powerful features to manage orders, add products , user managment and monitor customer feedback.

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Contact Me

Let's beautify the future with tech

© 2024 Hem Bahadur Pun | Made with 💖